I Painted My Bathroom Floors! Tutorial + 3 Year Update
Materials You’ll Need
- Krud Cutter
- Latex Paint or Floor Paint
- Stencil (I used a 12″x12″ one from cutting edge stencils)
- Water-Based Polycrylic Sealant
- 4 inch roller brush
- paint tray
- painter’s tape
- detail brushes for touchups
- First, you need to make sure those tiles are CLEAN. I mean, CLEANNNNN. Use krud kutter or another cleaner that will cut through the grime. It is so important the tiles are prepped correctly to ensure the paint stays put!

- After the tiles are clean (and dry!) it’s time to paint the base layer of paint. You need to decide what color you want the majority of your floor to be, and choose that color for your base. I wanted the floors to be mainly black, with a white stencil design. I applied the base layer with a 4 inch roller brush. I recommend applying two coats of paint for the base layer.

- After the base layer is dry, it’s time to start stenciling!
- Use painters tape to keep the stencil in place while painting. Make sure to apply the paint in thin layers to make sure the stencil doesn’t bleed. (Pro tip: stand on a sheet of plastic to avoid getting any dirt on the tiles until they are sealed!)

- Pick up the stencil, line it up with the next tile and repeat!

- After all of the stenciling is done, you can go around and do touchups!

- Next, use a 4 inch brush roller to apply the sealant. I recommend applying two or three coats of sealant on the floor to ensure the paint doesn’t chip.
- All done!

I know what you’re thinking “that’s cute, but I doubt that lasts more than two weeks.” Surprisingly, it does! I have only had one scratch in the paint in the last three years. As long as you take your time and follow each of these steps, you can completely revamp your floors for a fraction of the cost (and labor) of new tile installation.