$20 DIY Greenery Wall Art
Okay, okay okay… I have a confession. I kill plants. I have tried over and over again to be one of those cute millennial plant moms and I just caaaaaan’t. So if you’re like me, you’re in luck with this project.
I’ll show you how you can get some green in your home without having to worry about keeping it alive! Bonus- it is budget friendly!
Materials You’ll Need
- Backer (I used scrap hardboard, but you could easily use foam board or an old picture frame… be creative!)
- Black Paint (optional but recommended step)
- Reindeer Moss (I bought mine from the dollar store, but you can find these at various craft stores)
- Floral Moss
- Faux Succulents (Michaels is my go-to for faux greenery)
- Hot Glue Gun + Glue Sticks
- Elmer’s Glue
First, decide how big you want to make your greenery piece. I cut my board to 24.5″ by 34.5″ to fit perfectly on the wall I am hanging it on. You can easily do this project larger or smaller! You’ll just need to account for the size difference and how many square inches of greenery coverage you’ll need.

Next, I painted my board black with Behr spray paint. You can use any kind of paint, but spray paint was easy and fast for me! This was to make any little gaps in the greenery less “obvious”. You don’t need to paint the board black, but I definitely recommend a darker color for this step to make sure your board doesn’t show through.

Time to glue! This step took longer than I anticipated, but it was extremely easy (and fun). I pulled the reindeer moss and floral moss apart and started gluing pieces to the board with my hot glue gun. I got inpatient and used Elmer’s glue for part of the board as well. Either option works, but hot glue dries instantly so I would recommend that.
After the first layer of moss was attached, I went through and attached small stems, succulent picks and “leaves” throughout the board. I used hot glue to attach these pieces.

Here’s the finished product! What do you think?